Renew your 2020 MMBA Membership Now!

With 2019 coming to an end, we're wrapping up another successful year of the MMBA. Ever thinking ahead and with 2020 fast approaching, we would like to get a jump on membership renewals! As you know, last years was the first year we offered membership renewal online, and it was a great success. Renewing online not only saves you time, but saves the organization money! Mailings consumes a significant part of our annual budget. Speaking of budgets, we will be increasing membership dues slightly to $95 to keep up with the costs in the bay area in 2020.

Being an MMBA member is a great way to stay connected to our wooden boat community. Being an MMBA member also provides reciprocity and access to most yacht clubs around the bay. We host a number of fantastic events throughout the year - the New Year's Day potluck, the spring fling, the annual MMBA regatta, the wooden boat show with the annual meeting at the Corinthian, and the fall cruise-out. The cruise out this year to China Camp was incredible, with smoked ribs, live music on the beach, and Sunday morning Mamosas with the Lists on SEQUESTOR.

In 2019, we had 112 members, 20 friends, and 60 registered regatta participants. As we approach 2020, I'd like to recognize members who joined for the first time in 2019, including HOMER, a Kettenberg Sloop owned by Terry Grimm; GARNET, a 30' Sea Islander owned by Jeff Jolly (technically a returning boat after an extended absence); LYDIA, an Edson Shock Cutter owned by James and Laura Clarke-Moore; TREEBEARD, a custom gaffer owned (and built!) by James Parsons, POLARIS a Hereshoff Ketch owned by Michael Burton; and MAKORA, a gaff cutter relocated from Los Angeles by Claire and Jesse Whims, previous owners of BRIAR ROSE . Welcome!

With every passing year these historic vessels grow 1 year older, and we all know of boats that don't make it (RIP POLARIS, the pumpkin seed sloop built in 1906). It's now more important than ever to protect and preserve these pieces of history. There is strength in numbers. I'd like to encourage you all to strike up a conversation with the owners of unfamiliar wooden boats in your marina and help grow the fleet and keep the spirit of tradition alive.

- Gena Egelston, Membership Co-Chair, Cory Lancaster, Vice Commodore

Annual Dues
Regular Members: $95.00 (add $20 if paid after March 21st)
Friend : $35.00

Mark Harris