Become a Regatta Sponsor


Join Over 150 Years of tradition by becoming a regatta sponsor.

Dear Master Mariners Enthusiasts, 

The Master Mariners Benevolent Association was founded in 1867 and re-established in 1965 to promote preservation and stewardship of well-designed, well-maintained traditional wooden sailing craft.  We look forward to you returning or joining us as a valued sponsor of one of the oldest organizations of its kind. 

Your sponsorship is valuable beyond estimation and is vital to the continued success of our organization.  Sponsorship is what enables us to put on this Classic Yacht Regatta.  Your contribution will also be used to promote the preservation of classic sailing vessels, with scholarships, grants and matching funds to individuals and organizations who are keeping our honored traditions alive.  Recent recipients include Wooden Boats for Veterans, the Matthew Turner Educational Tallship as well as passage making scholarships aboard the schooner Seaward.  

This year, our sponsor’s luncheon will be held at the St. Francis Yacht Club on Friday, May 17th at 11:30am.  The luncheon is a time for us to give thanks to our sponsors, share in the history of our organization and the vessels and simply all be together.  At the luncheon, sponsors will present their company’s flag to the skipper of the yacht on which the flag will fly during the regatta, at the Awards Ceremony and again on the day of the Wooden Boat Show at the Corinthian Yacht Club in Tiburon.  Sponsors also receive two tickets to the Wooden Boat Show hosted by and benefiting our 501(c)3 Master Mariners Benevolent Foundation (MMBF).  As always, if you do not have a specific vessel in mind to sponsor, or if you would like to sail aboard said vessel in the regatta, please inform us and allow us to pair you in advance of the luncheon.

We are also pleased to announce the Master Mariners Regatta will start on Saturday, May 25th at 12:00pm in front of the St. Francis Yacht Club.  Following the regatta, you are invited to join the awards ceremony, dinner and live music at the Encinal Yacht Club in Alameda.  

Please complete the attached reservation form and return it with a check payable to MMBA by May 1st. Please also submit any digital or proof images for inclusion in our website and newsletter.  Thank you again for your support.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  


Liz Diaz      Hans List
Sponsorship Co-Chair                                   Sponsorship Co-Chair
415-730-2842                                                 415-729-6043

Sponsor Co-Chair
PO Box 70640, Richmond, CA 94807



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