Cancellation of 2020 MMBA Wooden Boat Show

The Wooden Boat Show is our celebration of the passion we have for traditional boats.   It is especially dear to us because it is our chance to open our arms, hearts and beloved boats to the general public.  And it raises a nice amount of money to support the Master Mariners Benevolent Foundation and all the things dear to us that it helps fund.*

However, social considerations, the health and safety of our boat owners, show attendees, volunteers, staff of the Corinthian YC, and the general public have to be our priority at this time.  So the MMBA Board has made the decision to cancel the Wooden Boat Show in 2020. The show will return in 2021.

The decision was not made lightly. Our responsibility for prudent stewardship through this difficult time means we took into consideration many more interests than our own.  The show involves a tremendous amount of volunteer participation and acts of generosity from the Members of the Corinthian YC who must empty their slips, and open their club to the public.  It takes coordination and good will with the San Francisco YC which hosts boats from the CYC.  It means engaging with the general public, and proposing that people mingle in relatively confined areas onboard, on deck and about the docks.

The MMBA Board is actively considering a number of social and sailing options to bring members together as conditions allow, and will plan and support such events if it is feasible. The date and location of the 2020 annual meeting is pending, and our Labor Day Cruise-in to China Camp remains on the calendar for the time being.  Regardless of which events are, or are not held, we will continue our fundraising and charitable works in the months ahead.*

*Please consider making a donation to the Master Mariners Benevolent Foundation so that it can continue its support of traditional maritime activities across the Bay Area.  Email Foundation President Craig Swain [] for more information on how to donate.

Mark Harris